How I Use the Law of Attraction as a Freelancer

There are three things I credit most with changing the course of my freelancing career. Three things that took me from a measly to $800 per month to $6000-$8000 per month while working part-time hours. Those three things are:

  1. Reading Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port (in my opinion, one of the best books for freelance writers)

  2. Quitting drinking

  3. Learning about the Law of Attraction

I’ve already talked about the other two on this blog, so today let’s talk about the Law of Attraction!

Yes, this topic is maybe a little too “woo woo” and “out there” for some people. But you know what? I don’t care. If this helps one person to achieve their freelancing goals, I’ll be happy! 

So if you want to know more about the Law of Attraction and how you can apply it to your business (and your whole life), keep reading!


Do you ever have things in your life that you wish you could have, but your individual efforts can only get you so far? You know, the kinds of things that only chance can bring to you. A job offer. A starring role in a TV show. A romantic partner. You can only do so much, but if fate doesn’t step up and play their role, you’ll never get what you want. So how do you make fate give you those things. 

The Law of Attraction!

According to Wikipedia, “In the New Thought philosophy, the Law of Attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life.”

So, basically, when you are thinking positive thoughts, you are sending positive energy out to the Universe. According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. So if you send positive vibes, you’ll get positive vibes in return. 

The process of using the Law of Attraction to achieve your goals is called manifestation. By focusing on your goals (specifically, the positive feelings associated with those goals), you will attract the circumstances that will help you to achieve them. 

Despite being part of New Age philosophy, the Law of Attraction actually goes back hundreds (if not thousands) of years. According to Napoleon Hill’s 1937 classic Think and Grow Rich, the Law of Attraction is how industrialists like Andrew Carnegie built their fortunes. But manifestation and the Law of Attraction also shows up in many ancient religious texts. 

Other famous people who credit their success to the Law of Attraction include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Denzel Washington, Jim Carrey, Lady Gaga, Oprah, Will Smith, and LMFAO. And I don’t know about you, but if LMFAO says something is true, then I believe it must really be true. 



Okay, so that may sound completely insane. But since I have started consciously applying the Law of Attraction to my life, I have manifested the following:

  1. I bought a house (with no money down!).

  2. I received money to invest in my business, which allowed me to hire help and launch my freelance writing coaching services and freelance business course.

  3. One of my TikTok videos went viral, which netted me over 10,000 followers in two weeks and helped to grow my community.

  4. I paid off my credit cards.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! I manifest weird random things all the time. Like, for example, a free badminton set. 

I told my cousin about this and he manifested free fried chicken sandwiches almost immediately (why he started with that is a mystery to me). But it just goes to show that you can start with something small and work your way up to big things. 

I no longer feel the need to “explain” how magical things work, but to naysayers and “realists”, I guess I would explain the Law of Attraction like this:

By focusing on what you want in life, you’re more likely to see opportunities that will lead you towards your goals. You feel more excited and you feel like your dreams can come true, so you have more energy and motivation to take the action required to make your dreams a reality. And because you believe so much, you are able to ride out the tough times that invariably occur on your way to success. 

Even if you don’t believe that the Law of Attraction is real, it certainly can’t hurt to try, right? What have you got to lose? At the very least, you might get some chicken sandwiches out of it. 


There are so many ways to practice the law of attraction. There’s a whole industry based around this spiritual belief. But this is what I do:

1. I Read Inspirational Books

I like to start my mornings by reading a book that gets me feeling inspired and in touch with God/the Universe/whatever you want to call it. This helps me to start my day off on the right foot. 

Recently, I’ve been reading passages from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. But I also read business books, spiritual texts from a variety of faiths, and biographies of important people. 

2. I Meditate

I am not a person who can just focus on my breath or mantra for 30 minutes. To be honest with you, I find it difficult to sit on the floor for any amount of time. 

But what does work for me is listening to 10-minute guided meditations on YouTube while I lie on a yoga mat. My favorite ones are positive affirmations, where you say certain words or phrases out loud. Then, once I’m relaxed, I may lay on the floor a bit longer and see if I can receive any messages from the Universe. 

I know that sounds crazy. But I find that when I’m in a meditative state, I sometimes receive messages. Sometimes the messages are ideas for TikTok videos. Sometimes I receive divine inspiration for a new way to decorate a room. Sometimes they are bigger ideas, like hiring an employee. Whatever they are, I try to act on those messages ASAP. They have yet to steer me wrong. 

3. I Count My Blessings

I used to be the most negative girl in the world. I complained all the time, and I didn’t even realize I was doing it. I remember a guy I was dating said I complained too much, and I was so taken aback. I didn’t even know how to communicate without complaining!

The problem with complaining all the time is that it projects negative energy to the Universe. And because of the Law of Attraction, negative energy attracts more negative energy. Thus, everything seems like shit and then more bad stuff just keeps piling on top. 

If I’m not careful, I can easily slip back into a negative state of mind. That’s why I try to practice gratitude every day. It’s pretty simple: I just write down three things that I’m grateful for. They are often stupid things, like a new music discovery or a cute animal I saw in my yard. It doesn’t matter what they are, it just matters that I count them. 

By counting my blessings, I’m telling the Universe that I appreciate what it is giving to me. I am sending out positive energy, so it sends me more positivity. 

(Perhaps I thanked the Universe one too many times for cute animals in my yard. If you follow me on Instagram, you know I’m basically living in an enchanted forest now.)

I used to do this in the morning, but I’ve started practicing gratitude before bed instead. I feel like it reduces my nighttime anxieties. 

4. I Daydream

I used to be a huge daydreamer. Like, legendary status. I was totally zoned out for most of school. And as an adult, all those boring work meetings gave me the perfect time to develop my head canons and fantasize about my dream life. 

But once I became a freelancer, I stopped doing that. I was actually busy during the day. I no longer had long meetings to space out and imagine how I would meet and marry Andrew VanWyngarden from MGMT (Andrew, if you’re reading this, please call me). 

I’m trying to get back into daydreaming, because I think it’s a good exercise to discover what you really want. You can play through different scenarios of your goals and make adjustments if necessary.

But most importantly, you know that really excited feeling you get when you fantasize about what you want your life to be like. THAT’s the good stuff. That feeling is the highest form of vibration, and that’s what really brings your manifestations to you. 

So take a minute to space out and think about what you want out of your precious time here on Earth. I think it’s easiest to do this while falling asleep at night or exercising, but it’s up to you how you make it work! 

5. I Talk It Out

I believe that saying your manifestations out loud makes them come true that much faster. So tell a supportive friend or family member what you’re trying to manifest and watch it become a reality. If you don’t have anyone supportive in your life, you can tell me! 

6. I Work to Dismantle Blocks

In the spiritual community, blocks are personal issues that prevent you from receiving your manifestations. Like, for example, if you don’t feel worthy of love, you won’t be able to manifest a loving relationship. You have to “unblock” yourself to receive that manifestation.

For a long time, I didn’t believe I was worthy of having my dreams come true. I didn’t think that I was skinny enough, pretty enough, feminine enough, cool enough, etc. for good things to happen to me. I would think thoughts like, “If I just lost 10 pounds, then I could meet the man of my dreams.” A lot of that is just programming I have received from the culture that I live in, and I’m sure a lot of you can relate. 

Well, I’m happy to say that that’s all bullshit. You ARE worthy, and you don’t have to do anything to prove your worth. You were born worthy, and you’ll die worthy. How you look, your job, how much money you have, your education level, where you live – none of that affects your inherent worthiness. 

Understanding that and actively applying that to my life is something that I’m still working on, but I’m getting better all the time. 

7. I Keep My Manifestations Top of Mind

I actually made a list of my manifestations and stuck it on my refrigerator so that I look at it every day. Some things that I’m currently manifesting:

  • Start a REVOLUTION!

  • Thicker hair

  • Clear skin

  • Pay off my student loans

  • Obtain a golden visa

  • Perfect health and happiness for my friends and family

  • A partner in achieving my dreams

Some of it is petty, some of it is outrageous, but it doesn’t really matter. It’s all the same to the Universe. 


I am by no means an expert on manifestation and the Law of Attraction. As I said, there is a whole industry built around this spiritual concept. But if you want to learn more, I recommend these resources:


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham by Esther Hicks

The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Your Fear to Faith by Gabrielle Bernstein


Expanded Podcast with Lacy Phillips


Emma Mumford’s channel on YouTube


I made this playlist on Spotify to get myself pumped up! It’s definitely not for everyone, but check it out!

Like I said, there’s a lot out there. This is only the tip of the iceberg, but these are things I have learned from in my journey. 

What do you think about the Law of Attraction? Have you ever manifested anything? Let me know in the comment section below!


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