7 of the Best Little-Known Cures for Writer’s Block
A common misconception about writer’s block is that it’s a simple lack of inspiration. But as a writer, you know the truth is more complex than that. The tension between your desire to write well and your fear of writing poorly may halt the creative flow. What if the eventual solution to this problem is accepting that your work might never be perfect?
Here are seven little-known strategies to overcome writer’s block that your typical writing guide may not cover. Discover new inspiration by shifting your viewpoint, not taking yourself too seriously and attempting something out of the ordinary.
1. Write With Your Non-Dominant Hand
Writing with your dominant hand is so innate that it’s almost automatic — except when you can’t get inspired. Try shaking things up and putting the pen in your non-dominant hand. While it may initially feel awkward, a scientific explanation backs it up.
Movement in your non-dominant hand increases connectivity across both hemispheres of your brain, activating different brain regions simultaneously. Art therapist Lucia Capachione’s research also revealed that writing with your non-dominant hand accesses the voice of your inner child, which can have profound effects on your creativity. Children are naturally curious, spontaneous and unfiltered in their expression, a stark contrast to adults who burden themselves with expectations and standards.
Writing with your non-dominant hand forces you to slow down and listen to your thoughts instead of going on autopilot. Due to the slower pace, your brain will focus on mindfully and deliberately engaging with the writing process.
2. Try Writing Backward
Starting with the end of your piece and working your way back to the beginning breaks you free from your usual structure and offers a new perspective.
While it may seem counterintuitive to move backward, doing so can improve your work by identifying opportunities for improvement. Writing from the end encourages a cause-and-effect thought process, easing the writer’s block that can arise when you finish one section and can’t figure out how to transition to the next.
3. Use an Object for Inspiration
When your mind is full of so many abstract ideas that it becomes overwhelming, try grounding yourself in reality with an activity or a physical object in your workspace. It can be something completely random, or it could relate to the topic you’re writing about.
Holding a physical object while you write — like a shiny rock, a childhood toy or a souvenir from a recent trip — can prompt your inquisitiveness. What’s the texture? Where is it from? How did it get here? Making a seemingly insignificant item compelling can spark new ideas and lead you down creative paths you haven’t considered before.
Consider the object a bridge to your imagination. How can you link it to what you’re writing? What details will make it feel concrete to your readers? When you associate a physical object with writing, it becomes a stimulating tool that makes slipping into a productive mindset easier.
Alternatively, try writing at a standing desk or even going for a walk. Sitting for long periods can drain your energy and stifle creativity, but changing your posture and physical space can break through the mental fog and spark new ideas. Greats like Hemingway and Dickens favored standing desks for their ability to stimulate focus and creativity.
4. Commit to a 10-Second Sprint
Instead of inspiring and motivating you, the sheer magnitude of a writing task can cause you to get stuck in a rut. One effective way to break through is to set a 10-second timer and challenge yourself to write a coherent thought in that time.
This method eliminates perfectionism by forcing you to focus on speed instead of quality. After the 10-second mark, you’ll have something down on paper, even if it’s imperfect.
Writing in a short, pressured period forces you to start without succumbing to self-doubt. The urgency can sometimes trigger a flood of ideas, giving you the momentum to push forward.
5. Embrace a Ritual
Countless authors have shared the writing rituals they’ve developed, so it makes sense to create a routine to combat writer’s block. Rituals minimize uncertainty, offer control in an otherwise unknown venture and put ideas into action. Most writer’s block is psychological, so changing your mindset is the best way to escape.
Your routine could be as simple as making your coffee in a specific way or as elaborate as a series of yoga poses. What you choose to do matters less than your intention, which prepares your mind for the meaningful work ahead. Over time, you’ll link this habit with intense productivity, eliminating writer’s block.
6. Change the Font
If you write on a laptop, standard font choices like Arial, Calibri and Times New Roman could hold you back. Try switching to something unusual or whimsical, like Comic Sans or Courier New. The different appearance will influence how you see the text and can change the psychological experience of writing. The novelty of the fonts stimulates your brain, releasing an influx of dopamine or oxytocin.
7. Emulate a Favorite Author’s Style
As a writer, you likely have at least one beloved author — someone whose writing style, themes and characters you admire. This connection is the perfect impetus to spark a change in your typical writing style and explore topics you’ve never written about.
Go through your bookcase and pull out some works by the authors you always return to. Try writing a passage that emulates their style. Ask yourself — how would they present this idea? Try to move as far away as possible from your usual writing conventions, as this helps you step out of your habits and forces you to think in fresh ways, just as another person would.
Break Through the Block
Writer’s block is rarely due to a lack of ideas. Instead, it’s often about confronting your long-held fears of inadequacy and self-doubt. With endless tips and advice available for overcoming writer’s block, remember that what works best for someone else might leave you feeling frustrated. Be patient and practice self-compassion. It may take trial and error to see if these methods will spark a creative frenzy.
Try one of these lesser-known solutions next time you can’t find inspiration. Who knows? You might discover that the best way to break free from writer’s block is to stop taking everything so seriously and start having fun with it.